Tuesday, January 21, 2020

2020 Word of the Year

Yes, I am still here, lurking behind the pages of my blog. Lol. My lack of posts is more testament to the incompatibility of my current devices with the blogger app than the lack of a desire to write and share.

So here I am again. I probably say that a lot, as I have discovered other consistencies in my goals that make me laugh.

In 2012-2013, I was also talking about PEACE and BE BOLD. I discovered this as I was looking back for my travelling with tots post for a friend.

What!? I'm still working on these things? Wanting these in my life? I am not so original as I thought. Peace that will be my word of the year. Character traits to work on? Boldness. Oh hello past Becky... What's that? Those were my goals 7 years ago too. Oh. Hmmmm..... Shrug. Oh well. Still need them this year.

So far in honor of BEing Bold, I have signed up for college again, asked questions in class, and today I am on the fence about bringing pizza to our math review. On the con side, I didn't ask the teacher ahead of time if that was okay. On the pro side, it's my long day and I don't get any food from 11 am to 4 pm unless I bring pizza to the math review.... So? Probably pizza. I'll leave it in the car and ask the teacher, then go get it. Or take it and hope he is as favorable to the idea as my high school math teacher was about bread and jam parties for homework time.

I live in the U.S. now, in a place that is both rainy and sunny, by the sea. Not on the sea, but about 30 minutes away. I have yet to venture there solo however, as the pressing matters of household management and managing myself usually take over.


Hello world. Happy Tuesday. It's To Do Day!

My week:
Sunday - Son day
Monday - Mourn day
Tuesday - To do day
Wednesday - We day
Thursday - You day
Friday - Fun day
Saturday - Sat(isfied) day

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