Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Missing Family

Living in a rural area has many advantages, especially for our kids who have gotten all wild and woolly. We went trout fishing this morning, stomping around in the mud in a tropical rainforest with our rubber boots. Then we made an unexpected stop at the mall and I realized how dirty my kids were as they ran around the KFC play area. Oh well. Dirty and happy, that should be our motto for now.

But living far, far away makes it hard for us to see family and friends. Even the ones who are just an hour or so away. Coordinating schedules and kids in school complicate matters. Not to mention how much I miss my family in the US. I want to visit my parents this summer, but apparently night flights are our only option to leave the country, and after the last one we did, we swore we'd never do that again.

Money. Tickets. Ouch. Four paying fliers now. Sigh.

On a happier note, Raccoon and I have 49 days of school left until he finishes Kindergarten. I'm not sure we'll hit all our goals, but since I plan to do school year-round with just one month off in June, I'm not that worried. He'll get there.

So that's a little slice of where we're at today.

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