Monday, July 2, 2012

Climbing out of the Hole

I finally felt like I could do more today than get out of bed and count the hours until I could get back under the covers. Raccoon has slept normally (for him) the last few nights and I hope tomorrow to organize his toys so we can actually play with them instead of just piling them here and there.

I also had my second prenatal appointment today, and my first ultrasound. Since the nausea went away suddenly, I was feeling worried that something might be wrong with the baby. But thankfully, all is well. Seeing his/her little heartbeat on the screen was amazing. This is really happening and I need to get my act in gear. Both the ultrasound tech and my doctor moved my due date a bit later, based on a few different measurements. So now I'll be 9 weeks pregnant tomorrow.

All in all, a great day, and I am so very thankful.

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