Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Retro Nablopomo 2022

When I lost the ability to blog on my phone (I used to blog on my kid's ipad), I did not stop writing. I do not seem to be able to NOT write, so I used the notes app on my phone to catch the little phrases and ideas going around in my brain. I've meant to go back and turn them into blog posts, and finally, 2022 is the year! The oldest of these musings is from 2020, and may require more explanation. I plan to post the stuff mostly as is, because if I elaborate, I may never finish. So comment away if something is confusing! (Not that I actually have any readers besides my mom at the moment, but I am writing this by faith that someday, maybe something I write here will matter in the larger context of someone's life.)

I believe I can pre-date these entries, so they will say November in honor of National Blog Posting Month, but I am in fact writing them the week after Christmas. I have had my laptop, which I love, for school, but now that I am not in school, I have the bandwidth for a few personal projects.          

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