Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wordless Wednesday (Mostly): Us at Home

Me in our front yard, digging out a geranium that I planted three years ago.

Raccoon the gardener (our side and back yard)

Raccoon climbing a guava tree at my friend's house


Our new adopted dog, Jewel

Our new cats - Tiger Lily and Sunflower

Kitty in Raccoon's room

Kitty in a park by my mother-in-law's house

Kitty trying her first guava

 Kitty in our front yard

Kitty playing with our rock pile

Kitty sharing her chicken bones with the cats

Raccoon playing with his cousins

 Water fight!


  1. Love the pics. Why pull up the geraniums? Long day. Name what is Haven in Spanish? Mom

  2. Second try. Loved the pics. Why pull up the geraniums? Long day. Name-What is Haven in Spanish?
