Saturday, July 26, 2014

Seven Years

SB would have turned 9 this year. She died 7 years ago, July 28. It seems like yesterday and a lifetime ago. I miss her, but I am glad that she is pain-free now and perfectly happy with Jesus. She made me a mommy, 8 years ago.

We love you, SB, and miss you.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

RIP Knight

After a dubious start, Knight won all of our hearts. He was a good-natured pup and joined our playful pack quickly. Our four females liked him and he was growing like a weed. I felt concerned that he was going to be a big dog after all. He was half husky, half ? but he was all pup. He loved to snuggle with us and was happiest when he was closest to Raccoon.

I did an ice sensory bin today with Raccoon and Kitty, but it was the biggest hit with Knight. He happily chewed on the ice chunks and chased everyone around. We went inside to take a much needed bath and my husband came home early to surprise us. Knight was in our yard when my husband drove up the driveway, but at some point he ran underneath the car. The King felt awful that he ran him over, but at least he died quickly.

Knight, we will miss your snuggles, your puppy kisses, and soft, thick fur. We will miss your roly poly belly and one blue eye. We will miss your excited eating and grateful tail wags. Gerry (our male cat) will miss your naptime snuggles and playfulness too. You were turning into a beautiful dog. I wish we could have seen you grow up.

16 great days full of puppy napping, eating, 
a few potty accidents, snuggling, and playing.

RIP Knight

Monday, July 21, 2014

Kitty Love

Kitty and our three kitties are being nice to each other. Nothing makes her happier than some good furry snuggles. Although honestly, the kitties mostly prefer her when she's asleep.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

A Point to Ponder: Dissent

A consistent minority can sway the majority.

          - From the TV show NUMB3RS

I remember hearing in college that Quaker leaders require all decisions to be unanimous (I do not know if this is, in fact, true). At the time, I thought that was unresonable.

But now, as the chairperson of a non-profit board, I have learned the power of the minority voice. Often, the few who disagree with the majority have valid concerns.

I think one of the strengths, and weaknesses, of being human is that we can be persuaded.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Pictures as Promised

Now that I have studied him a bit more, I think Knight is half Husky. He has one blue eye (the other is brown), very thick fur, and looks a bit wolfish. He's a quick learner which is good and he follows Raccoon around, so all is well.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


We have just paid money for what might be the world's ugliest mutt. Granted, it was only $5, but I already have buyer's remorse.

There were no German Shepherd males, which is what we were hoping for, and the sheer volume of starving puppies was just too much. There was no time to think or discuss it, so we just snatched up the first male we saw and got out as fast as we could.

A beautiful and very boney Golden Retriever male. A female Cocker Spaniel. A black Daschund. All too tired or hungry to put up much fight. Chows, Pekinese, Poodles, and mutts all lumped together in improvised cages. I almost started crying right then and there.

Knight is already barking, a good sign I hope. As long as he loves my son, it will be okay.

Pictures to come.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Compassion in the Marketplace

Tomorrow we are off to buy Raccoon a puppy. Yes, we do have 7 pets, plus 3 chickens who are in some nebulous non-pet-but-we-can't-seem-to-eat-them zone.

How exactly did this decision come about?

Many things contributed, including a 4 year old's persistence, but mostly it's a memory I have of one day in a mall when my mom spent her birthday money on a puppy for me. It wasn't good timing but she did it anyway.

Misty and I had an amazing two years together. She touched my life and I will never forget the comfort of her presence. I am hoping that Raccoon finds just such a friend tomorrow.

Four compassionate people (my mil is coming too) with an I-love-all-things-that-move toddler going into an animal marketplace, knowing that the unsold animals are often left there at the end of the day... will we actually be able to come home with just one puppy?

As my husband said, once you have four dogs already, adding one more isn't really a big deal.

To be continued...

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Willful Contrariness

I didn't know there was a phrase for it, but this sums up why things have been difficult at my house lately. Why can't I just let certain comments go? Willful contrariness. Guilty. Lord, please help me to change.

Proverbs 15:4 (amplified)

A gentle tongue [with its healing power] is a tree of life, but willful contrariness in it breaks down the spirit.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Rescue Update (Part III)

Storm's visit to the vet went well. She drained 6 liters of fluid and left an incision that leaked out another 2 liters or so before healing up. Honestly, we all thought Storm was going to die any day, but instead she seems better and better. She and Jewel are best buddies now.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

My Children's World

What will they see in their lifetimes? Will they (and I) be able to adapt to all the changes? What gadgets will we be using in 2050? I'll be 68, if I'm still around and my kids will be 41 and 37, probably with kids of their own. I hope to be using the latest communication technology, whatever it is, unless it's against my beliefs somehow.

My grandfather was more up-to-date on digital equipment than I was and he never stopped learning about cutting edge technology. Even if I have to take classes for senior citizens, I'd like to know what my grandkids are talking about. :-)

These thoughts were inspired by this chemical scanner.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Sadness settles in

Tomorrow is my last day with my parents before they fly home early Friday morning. They are both sick, but besides that we have had a wonderful visit. A month together. I wish we were always neighbors.

The other day my dad took Raccoon bug hunting so that I could rest with Kitty after a hard night. He hugs me every day. I love my daddy.

My mom organized my schoolroom, helped me plan my first year of homeschooling, and supports my son's love of science. I love my mommy.

I cannot imagine life without either one of them. They must live forever.